hiyo latrines
Numerous late night meetings done by flashlight, countless gatherings of the elders of the village, and excruciating Peace Corps paperwork have all finally created results. The latrines are taking shape. Women are pulling water, adolescent boys are shoveling sand, and old men are drinking tea on the sidelines. As fellow volunteer John would say, "We're doing it baby."
For a year in Garly I was self-conscious about my purpose and worth to the village. I see now, as I walk with my head a little higher thanks to sand piles and bricks drying in the sun, I was the only one concerned about my work progress. I am finally starting to feel useful, but to the women in the market, I remain the curious girl/woman that I have been since the beginning. They were never as concerned as I was, that I prove myself.
So, with the construction underway, I have shed this desperate need to be worthwhile, and am simply glad that I've helped provide some privacy for pooping.