how the time flies
I often wonder where my day went, as the sun sets and my host family drinks for the first time since dawn. I find myself marveling that another day is over during which I did essentially nothing. This is as much for my benefit as for yours- a small exercise to answer the question: What do I do all day?
6am I wake up to roosters singing and haul my mosquito net, cot, and pillow into my room
6-6:45 I walk as the sun rises, usually thinking about everything but Garly, because for my next many waking hours I will be in the heart of Garly life with no escape
6:45-7:30 Walk down the hill with an empty bucket and up the hill with one full of water three times. The first hike is silent, but by the end we're awake and splashing water during the trek.
7:30-8 Breakfast. Alone-amazingly-in my room I munch on tasteless crackers, mix up some plain oatmeal, or drink yogurty cows milk that has been souring overnight. (This flavor takes some getting used to...)
8:00-8:15 BBC world news. My quarter of an hour contact with the outside, English-speaking world. I get many uplifting updates on countless wars, deaths and general violence. I thank Allah that I am nestled safely in my little Muslim village.
Phew-and I haven't even left the house yet. But my cyber cafe time is running out. I'll update this later, so stay tuned to see what my life is like beyond my sheep-ridden yard.
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