Saturday, May 05, 2007

On jaaraama no feewi (or, Thank you very much)

There has been a small miracle. When one begins a project through Peace Corps Partnership (the fancy name for what I just did) one is told that for each $1,000 to expect about a month for the money to come in.

In less than two weeks from my request being posted, it has all been contributed. (Actually, right now there is $24 left, but hopefully I will snatch my credit card before someone else does).

I go on a daily walk at dawn, and the morning after I found out about this, each step I took I thought, Thank or You. Thank you, thank you, thank you, ran through my mind for an hour as I trekked across dry earth, watching the sun rise.

I am so touched by people's generosity and general caring spirits I feel about to burst. I am unable to know who has donated what, however, unless a certain box was checked when donating.... Please please step forward and e-mail me if you contributed. ( While I sent my gratitude out into the universe the other morning, I would love to direct these thanks at actual ears.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.


At 5:45 AM, Blogger Julie said...

You will be surprised and pleased to hear of the people I know of who contributed to your project. You can thank mom and dad for spreading the word and I know of many family members who also gave. We can discuss more on Sat. Talk to you soon!


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