Posh Corps
Mali volunteers get bagels delivered to their front door. Ghana volunteers live among elephants in lush jungles. Some peace corps sites have satellite television, hot showers, and access to fruits and vegetables like any "normal" city. Posh Corps is the peace corps experience with a little extra cushion...
At this moment I am typing on a MacBook in the apartment of two volunteers in Nouadhibou, Mauritania. They have WIFI internet, a kitchen table with real chairs, and a television bigger than the one I had in my dorm room at Denison. I ate a hamburger today (with an egg and french fries in it = delicious) at the cafe that is in their apartment building.
This type of experience used to send me toggling between envy and self-righteousness. Neither feeling is all that great, so I've decided to simply embrace the camping-like atmosphere of my life and soak up my vacay days in posh style. While I can sit on couches and order cappuccino for the next 50 years of my life (inshallah/god willing) for now, I can handle waking up at 3am to goats fighting. I can write in my journal by candlelight and guess the time of day by the length of shadows.
There is no where I would rather be.
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